Wet and Cold

This morning there was snow spitting down. It wasn't sticking but it was there and it made me nervous. I was planning for a day to catch up with stuff. I even postponed lunch with a friend a week. What if the day group cancelled? Fortunately they didn't and the bus showed up right on time.

So I spent the day doing the wash, making phone calls, meeting with our very handy friend Ric who installed new lights in our garage and is working on a plan to replace the bathroom over sink lights which are failing and are ancient.

I also got a bunch of calendars ready to give out this week. Christmas is sneaking up on me and I see some folks just once a month so I had to get up to speed for them. I managed to do that. 

I hear Arvin's bus so he's home and soon my brother Steve will arrive for games and dinner together. It was so wonderful to have a day to myself (except for Ric) and to get stuff done. I was feeling overwhelmed. There is still stuff to do but I feel like I'm moving and not stuck in molasses. 

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