My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Blakeney Quay, North Norfolk

It was thick fog as we left home for North Norfolk this morning and we debated whether to actually make the journey.    We decided to carry on and as we arrived at Blakeney Quay the fog had lifted, the sun came out and we thoroughly enjoyed a five mile walk along the sea wall to Cley and back via footpaths along the A148 coast road.  
We then went into Holt where we enjoyed some scrummy hot chocolate and an apricot and date slice.   I bought some Christmas presents in some of their delightful independent shops and afterwards we took some photographs of the festive lights.   The traders in Holt all have white lights which I have to say (not being a fan of Christmas) did look quite stunning.  I have posted one as an extra.
The fog returned as we left for home but after such a fantastic day we didn't mind too much.

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