Plus ça change...

By SooB

Tiny things

Managed a blip in daylight today, which has to count as a major achievement.  This morning was beautifully foggy, but I didn't manage to get out until that had all gone, but the light was regardless still very attractive.  Soon (well, ish) these stone steps will be renovated, which will mean the end of this rather lovely moss.  Perhaps I will try and move it elsewhere.

Lots of things ticked off the list today, and some things done that were not on the list.  One of the former group involved sulphuric acid and the hall floor.  Not entirely successfully, I might add. Top of the latter group was deciding that today was the day that the state of the metal lattice on the front door was no longer tolerable. Well, everyone has a metal lattice on the front door tolerability level, don't they?

So, some sandpaper was found, lots of sanding was done (resulting in several conversations with the neighbours during which - turns out - my face was covered in black dust) and paint was purchased.  Also, some walls were repainted, and some were not.  But all will be painted tomorrow - particularly the front door since I am expecting two deliveries, so it's as well to be handy to spot the confused delivery folk looking for my door.

TallGirl seems happier (I'm definitely not linking this to a thing that happened in expressive dance - please tell me that's not a normal thing to do in sport these days - involving a boy who has been mentioned a lot lately...) which always makes life easier, and this evening we watched the Forsyte Saga (very dull so far) and I got caught back up with Game of Thrones after some inexplicable dozing during an episode on Saturday night.

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