
Leaving aside yesterday afternoon's stint at the book-festival-user-interface, today was my first interaction with work for over a week. Many emails, phone calls, time-wasting nonsense, innocent enquiries, etc etc. I did manage to fit in a visit to the doc to discuss the result of last week's blood (cholesterol) test - we had an interesting discussion on the difficulties of healthy eating when one is not at home. But although her verdict was 'could do better' , things seemed to be moving sufficiently in the right direction for her simply to tell me to come back for another test in a year's time. No statins required for the time being. From time to time I am reminded that the NHS is still capable of being the very dab, not to mention the bees' knees.

Later on the lovely Sands came into town and we went for a miniature blip-meet at the SMWS. Just like this time last year, we had to sit in the back room because of some Fringe related madness in the members room. I did blip DH's hand-cut chips and burger, but they looked smaller than last years (Blip is double-edged in that way, I find). So I snapped some folk sitting outside in the gloaming as we left - D and I in the direction of home, but that party animal Sands was heading for the Ladyboys of Bangkok show at the Meadows!

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