Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt


Unpacking things into my wardrobe is always the worst bit about coming home...there is just not enough room. Luckily this is not all I did today.

I finally saw The Lorax with Paul! It did not disappoint. It's not quite Horton Hears a Who but I still loved it. We went to look for the book in Waterstones after...I might buy it for Harry so that I can read it to him. Selfish present - I'll get him something else too. I'm a bit sad though because I thought Madagascar 3 was out soon and it turns out it's not out until October. I think I'll love animated films forever. Best way to escape.

Also lovely dinner with Hannah and her parents in the evening. Casually drinking champagne because we're rockstars/don't have money to splash on non-free wine so drinking birthday supplies.

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