Genuine Article

I love wooden objects, I love tree decorations and I love the Black Forest in Germany, so when I saw these and spoke to the (German) stall holder in the Edinburgh Christmas Market yesterday, it was a no-brainer:-)  Still can't work out how it was made as the ball is a hollow sphere with no joins!

A horrible grey day today, although very mild.  Had lunch in Gloagburn's Farm Shop just outside Perth and was rather shocked at their prices now.  It used to be a favourite watering hole, but doubt we'll return when a cup (not a pot) of "Super Fruit" tea {that actually tasted of very little and was delivered as a cup of hot (not boiling) water with the tea bag on the side to make it yourself} cost £2.40!!!  Nowhere to put the teabag after use, so it dribbles into the saucer and then drips on your lap!  Can you tell I was not very happy?  TJ didn't rate their cappuccino much either and that was £2.75 for quite a small cup.  Think we'll stay with M&S, where both the tea and coffee are tastier, more generous and cheaper:-)

Rant over:-)

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