Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


... the 76th anniversary of my father's birth! Today is his birthday and my sisters and me have been remembering (and missing) him a lot! I thought I'd post a picture of him and me which I came across whilst backing up my ailing laptop. This picture was taken on 20.09.2009... the day Geraldine, Pauline, my Dad and me had our first ride on the newly opened Dubai Metro (09/09/09).

And to mark this special day, G made one of his much loved dishes - Mexican chicken... something he concocted up and named and is a bit of a family favourite, except G is one of a few people who has the recipe! Very nice it was too...

And today...
I have had a very productive day at work;
G came home early so she was able to allow the a/c guys in to fix her unit. They replaced a part and seemed to get it cooling again, although I'm not sure it is running as well as it should;
My new laptop arrived! Getting it set up and finding out about it.
We went to the Salvation Army service after AGES; they are having a special service on Friday with the IS in attendance, so there was a bit of a practice for it. I thought the music stands laid out for the band looked really good. I am trying to post an extra but can't.

And that was the 7th of December, 2016!

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