
A pretty poor day!  It's rained for the most of it, poured all morning, dried for a moment just before lunch, and then continued the rest of the day.

Another day in the museum office, and more scanning to get on with.  I was also down in the museum now and again, it was fairly busy too.  Me mam at lunchtime, and soup and sandwiches at Fine Peerie Cakes, yum right good.  Poor Sammy is desperate to get out, but the rain is putting us both off walkies!  I will have to try before I head to work in the pub.  

Before I met mam, I nipped down the road to snap some photos.  It was a better day out of town, drier too!  I headed to Aester (Aithsetter) for a look.  This is the back of some houses dotted on the hillside.  Taken at Aithsetter, Cunningsburgh. 

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