Church Snapshot

The sun shone today and we had water in the taps - hooray! 
A productive morning all round - Danny's got the ball rolling in terms of beginning prison visiting. We're so excited about this opportunity! We know families of a few guys in at the moment, so we're pleased he'll be able to go and spend time with some of these men. Also pleased that the charity categorised his Spanish in the top box of 'muy bien'! 
We went out for lunch at one of our favourite local restaurants - Comida San Juan...incredibly tiny, no reservations, the only drinks served are wine, beer and water...delicious homemade Spanish food, and all really affordable! It's where all the locals go out to eat, and it was packed with families today, plus more waiting outside... My blip is the view as we left the place...full and happy. I've added a few pics into Flickr.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Our family advent book...each day we read a bit and talk a bit...Asha's really engaging with it & they're proving to be special times!
2) Danny hanging out with a happy Tchani.
3) Lunch at Comida San Juan - we've not been at all this was SO lovely to be part of the hustle and bustle there!

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