Panic Stations

A late phone call yesterday from the accountants gave me the choice of staying at home revising payroll or filing in the office due to a shortage of computers and too many staff! A morning with Mike revising followed.

I got home to the news of the Defra announcement and alerted our MadChickenWoman - much Facebook conversing about what is suitable followed and I sent her this photo of our set up - not realising it would be my only phone of the day!  The school chickens are also here for their Christmas break - earlier than planned but easier all round.

This evening involved socialising with the local signatories and Falmouth Marine Band. They very kindly donated some money to my Brownie pack for camping equipment (a tent). This was followed by the donation of a tent by the Mayor and Mayoress of Falmouth!  Given the other charities there, I feel very honoured that they thought of us!

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