Photo Mouse has a new friend

This little armadillo was made by the same lady that made Photo Mouse.  Isn't he cute.

I should have met ThingsBeautiful today as she was in Winchester.  I find it hard to face the world at the moment so I have arranged to meet here after Christmas with Murphy.

I eventually made it into town and took more of David's clothes to the charity shop.

I met some people that didn't know that David had died.  Telling people is very hard and the eyes are regularly washed with tears.

Having achieved the trip to the charity shop I've found it hard to concentrate on anything else.

But I'm planning on revamping the kitchen as it has white tiles with the occasional French scene, white work surface, white cupboard doors, white walls, and grey carpet tiles.  I'm investigating replacing the cupboard doors, the work surface and the floor.  What should I replace the carpet with?  What do you have?

Planning things keeps me busy.

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