Sophia Sparkles.......

..... has decided she likes sitting in the bag with my polyfill.

Alexandra and I went to see my sister and her husband yesterday as they have just returned from a 6 week holiday in the UK.

Imagine our shock when we were told that they have decided to return to the UK to live after living in Australia for 17 years. They feel they will be better off as the UK is now cheaper than here.

I am devastated, my sister has been my lifeline over the last few years, I feel as though I have been cut adrift.

I can't blame them as both their children and their 4 grandchildren live there, so it is rather pointless them being here.

Their eldest grandson is coming over for 4 months soon, but once he returns they are puttting their house on the market, and if it sells quickly they hope to be back in the UK by February.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, they just did.

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