You won't believe it....

But Mario the stag (not pictured here, obviously) peed on me today.  He stuck his nose into my jacket for a stroke, which I gave him, then I crouched down to get a shot of him from a low angle. We were separated by a wire fence but we were only a couple of inches apart.  As I framed a shot, it suddenly sounded like a rainstorm had commenced, and the splatter of raindrops dispersed around me... yes, a bit on my face... Then to my horror I realised what it was. He was peeing and it was splashing up!  Just one or two drops hit but that's plenty thank you!  
I still love him though.  :-)

These females were sweet though and let me take their portrait without incident.  Alfred was foraging in the grass for stray bits of food pellets the whole time... He only ever has one thing on his mind! :-)

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