A Time for Everything

... like preparing the holiday cards.  I used to send close to a hundred every year.  Now, we're down to about a fourth of that.  We have three friends above 90 years of age and I am glad they're still there to write to -- one in the US, one in The Phil, and one in The Neth.  I miss my aunt in Australia ... she died almost six years ago.

Not a bad day at work, although I could have done substantially more work, but somehow I managed to fixed it so that there wasn't that much to do -- the convenience of being content with what I earn.

We bought the house!  Before THE phone call, we sat down for 10 minutes and re-evaluated our decision by mentally ticking off what we didn't like about it versus what we did like, and came to the conclusion that what we did like far outweighed what we didn't like, and that whatever it is that might still have to be done (there's always something to be done anyway) isn't urgent and certainly won't stand in the way of the move.  In short ... by 1 April 2017 we'll be at our new place in Breda!

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