Feeding Frenzy

A grey and miserable day so decided to catch up on housework but I was easily distracted from the hoovering by the commotion outside the sitting window.  The sea was covered in shags, birdwatching neighbours said there were over 500, and they were feeding on for small fish, about 3" long, that were swarming in the bay.

Before long the gulls realised something good was on the menu and dozens of them joined in the feeding frenzy.  The nine resident mergansers were not happy at all and there was a lot of ruffling of feathers and posturing before they scuttled off down the bay, with the eiders and long tailed ducks tagging along behind!  

Not great photos, but ones which will remind me of the noise and clamour.

Did get the hoovering finished eventually . . . !

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