Another garden blip...
So my plan today was to do a few early hours of work, take a few hours off in the middle of the day to do a bit of Xmas shopping(it's Boots £10 of points day, don't you know!), and then head over to Risley for an hour or so of birdwatching before doing a bit more work at the back end of the day.
The first bit of the day went well - at my laptop by 7am and cleared a lot of work before 10:30. Headed to Boots armed with my list and managed to get everything apart from one gift, and bagged myself £20 of points to use in the new year :)
Tescos was next, and not too busy, so I was out in double quick time, and that's when it all started to go wrong. Far from the promised sun and cloud on the weather apps, it started to rain! How dare it! I don't do birdwatching in the rain - doesn't the weather know this is my golden rule?? Obviously not....
So after checking my email on my phone and generally wasting some time sitting in the car, I headed home as the rain hadn't stopped.... :(
Back to work and struggling for a blip, I popped out to the garden to see what was around. Answer: nothing!
This was the only bit of colour in the gloom, so this is what I shot.
Maybe tomorrow it will be better weather in the afternoon?
Hmm.....I said that yesterday didn't I?
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