Christmas Beetle
I've had a David Attenborough kinda day.
Not all of it good.
I returned home from shopping and dropped everything when I immediately saw there was a snake in the kitchen.
A young one, I think, but still a snake, about 60cm (2 ft) or so.
It was no more pleased to see me than I was to see it.
I was feeling desperate because I was alone and couldn't make a phone call because my landline was unplugged.
I often turn off the modem and landline when I go out, if I think there'll be a storm, as they're always getting zapped.
The snake darted all over the place and I knew I had to keep my eyes on it, as I didn't want it to disappear.
Unfortunately, that's precisely what happened.
I looked away for one second in order to plug in the phone line and it was gone.
I'm hoping it slid in a narrow crack between the floorboards and the skirting board, and is under the house, but it could be anywhere.
I'm not terrified of snakes. I've had several encounters with them, but I don't expect to see them inside my house.
This Christmas beetle had been hiding in a vase of flowers and sat quietly on the kitchen bench so I could take its photo.
A colour one in extra, as well as a poor photo of the bloody snake.
The day ended in a much better way with a lovely meal with friends.
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