Kitchen Art 7

Haven't had a "Kitchen Art" in a while and so I reckoned I was due. I have always thought that bottles and glasses of fluid, frost textured with condensation, could be interesting, especially when one plays around with the lighting a bit. This image might best be described as "experimental", I suppose.

Anyway, there's now a whole lot of condensation frosted wine bottle and glass pictures in Tuesday's "Daily Rushes" folder but THIS one finally got the guernsey for today's blip.

I rather liked how the main light behind (combining with the condensation on the glass) conspires to render the transparent vessel almost opaque like a china bowl. I especially liked how it almost seemed to be a glass of liquid gold - but then I have probably stared at it too long by now to have an objective (or even sensible) opinion. It probably needs to be looked at large. No digital filters of any kind were used in the production of this picture, folks.

One final thing. After all the fidgetting about was done, the wine tasted pretty good.

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