Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

New exhibits at Port Appin

The Commer cattle truck is just about finished but the decals plan fell flat.  I ran out of grey ink.  Now I suspect the grey ink cartridge is little more than a ploy by Canon to extract money from me for a colour that used to be a tint of black.  I'll never know.  What I do know is that all the other inks are best part full and this damned grey tank is drained dry.  That probably means there is enough for many more pages.  Another ploy to steal my money by stealth.  Furthermore none of the High Street stores stock the bloody thing!  And if I order it off Amazoo they'll tell me it's delivered and I've signed for it whereas in reality the driver couldn't be fashed to seek out my house and threw it over a wall.  (Perhaps)  Like last time.

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