The sun just setting at 3.35pm ....

..... and the moon just showing her face and 1.30 minutes latter the moon from my window.
I went to see Rosemary this afternoon , sad visit, she was in bed looking very frail and pale as she has been loosing blood again. She struggled to speak , it was very hard to hear her she had dry lips and when I asked her if she would like a drink, I was soo touched she said " yes please "! They say manners make th man , in this case a lady, yes a real lady! I'm hoping I will see her next week but as she was today I'm not too sure about it.
I feel more myself today, thinking positively I'm sure I'm on the mend.
The weather has been quite mild today and last night it felt like summer I was so hot , sleep is difficult at the best of times , the heat was against me last night.

Happy ..... that I'm feeling better but sad to see Rosemary so very poorly.

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