
By feefifofum

Another foody blip.

One of yesterday's muffins, banana and chocolate chip. I shouldn't have baked so many muffins with so little people around, I'm going to turn into a muffin by the time I've worked my way through them!

Went to have my eyes tested for the first time in maybe 6 or 7 years, at the opticians where my best friend from primary school works, so we got extra special treatment (well I like to think so...) Turns out I have astigmatism in my right eye, but my left eye is almost perfect, so new glasses (exciting, but expensive!) for me just to sharpen that eye when I'm doing something that requires concentration. Alastair however, really needs glasses, and having broken them a while back has been making do without them, so at least he can see properly now for driving, especially at night. Although he passed his test without glasses so he can legally drive without them, the optician recommended he does wear them, I'll go with the opticians advice!

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