
Next step is to sell the house we're living in now.  It is mortgage-free.  Actually, if you read that particular blog, take a look at that last sentence ...

Before that, though, this house has to be prepared.  We've informed our real estate guy and he's coming around on Monday to give us tips on what to improve.  Hubby has been canvassing sollicitors to get the legal work done.  The bank has been on the phone two or three times for some background info; apparently, they're as excited as we are, and I wonder why.  Both feet on the ground here but we are glad the decision is final.

Worked here at home today.  It was a lovely day so at the last minute, I knew I wanted that sunset.

Did some genealogy.  Did some clearing up.  Did some NCIS.  When did that series become a habit?  I think just before the summer holidays, but I didn't miss it when we were in England.  Maybe it's just a home thing and I can't watch it anywhere else.  Slowly, though, the impending move is assuming more form in my head and I'll be clearing up a lot more often.

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