along the Weser. But before I went I took pictures of the tiny couple of bugs (in german language called: Johanniskraut-Blattkäfer, latin name: Chrysomela varians) that I had spotted already yesterday.
My neighbour borrowed me a tripod to take better photos and a little (illustrated) book for identification of all the bugs that I discover here in my garden. A sweet gesture that I appreciate very much.
My walk along the Weser after the lazy days did me good. I ate from the blackberries, enjoyed the woman's heigh balsamine flowers, saw many crickets and hoppers. And my big surprise was the view of a giant dragonfly above the little pond in one of my two favourite gardens!!! Vivid coloured green and blue.
A very busy one it was, she kept flying in rounds and most of the time in a very fast tempo and even when she kept her pace I hardly could focus on her. I could take one picture where I can see her clearly and hope for another one in the future.
I come back when you are tired, I shouted to her. Not true of course, I simply said it, why shout at a creature that does not listen probably.

My haiku:

Go blackberrying
And taste the sweetest you find
Summer shout of joy

And the proverb from Shakespeare:

Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy.


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