The Final Day

Last Friday (2 December) was the Big Day and today was the Final Day. Like last week, it started far too early and required a hell of a lot of work but it was worth it. Today was the parliamentary debate (starting at 14:30) and as these things go, it was really good. MSPs who spoke were clearly well informed and passionate (and spoke highly of our plan, which was an unexpected treat) and were consensual in wanting to remove the barriers society puts in the way of people. The Tories were breathtaking in their support of the Westminster Government's welfare reforms which have been recently damned by the United Nations. I don't suppose that is surprising but it was extraordinary to say the UN had produced a poorly written and researched report.

The relief afterward was palpable. I felt positively giddy! This is a terrible photo of the view from the steps leading away from the debating chamber into the Garden Lobby where a photo shoot for I know not what was in progress.

Our team (all four of us) went for drinks and food and we were happy and relaxed and kept telling each other how grateful we were to be in this team. It has been an incredibly hard road to travel, the last two months in particular, but today it felt worth it.

Please accept my apologies at being a poor blip chum for such a long time. I'm hoping to be a more regular viewer and commentator in the weeks to come.

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