Lali's World

By Lali

Proud owner of a stick

This is my stick and don't even think about taking it from me!

Yes, Cassie loves sticks and when she finds one it's really hard to make her let go of it...

I'm off for five days, a short holiday. Initial plans of going to Glasgow to visit Scott's brother were cancelled, as we both have bad colds and we didn't want to share our bugs. Had to get ready earlyish as an electrician was coming to check all the electrical appliances in the flat.

Although it was nice and sunny in the morning, it rained afterwards, so we cancelled a walk. However, after luch, the rain seemed to go away, so we went for the walk later on in the afternoon. We had a nice hot chocolate in Pittenweem in the Cocoa Tree and then relaxed back home.

Quiet night in today, just watching a film and both hoping to get better tomorrow.

Thanks very much for your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all have a good weekend! :)

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