A Tale Of Two Estates

A day off, after dropping Joshua at school Clare and I headed for Truro.
A full English before some light shopping and home.
Home was via the Post Office on the Bickland Water Industrial Estate to pick up a couple of parcels. The estate is also home to Rowes now known as a 'Food Processor', used to be WC Rowe The Bakers.
The site has that run down look which matches their current reputation, I cannot comment on the produce, I haven't eaten a single Rowes product since May 2013.
On the opposite side of Bickland Water Road is the Tregoniggie Industrial Estate, home to Gary The Gearbox.
Having had an ear bashing from the normally placid Mrs S he has reduced his quote (after 'confiding' that he needed the work) to an acceptable level.
We await the return of 'Marco' the Polo.

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