The Birthdays

August is the month of female family birthdays. It starts with my neice, shortly followed by my sister. We have a break of a week or so and then in come myself and mother. Infact at 11.45 pm the midwife requested that my mother hold off in order to have the best birthday present ever! She declined.

My in-laws nearly always make the trip to come see me near my birthday which is very sweet of them. This year I received a three tier cake stand from them. The perfect gift.

For mum's birthday my sister and I took her out for dinner, then on to the MIssoni Hotel for cocktails, as she swears she has never had one - well she has now. Lastly we took in a show, The Blanks, the American accapella group who perform on the TV show Scrubs. We were seated in the front row and somehow I ended up on stage. Now that's very wrong, cos it's my sister who was destined for the stage. My girl is very jealous as all her friends love Scrubs and I now have their autographs on a strip of toilet paper!

August always leaves me feeling like I dont want to see cake for a while, even when it looks this delicious.

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