View from Salford

The Minx's mum went to see Rod Stewart playing in Manchester, this evening, so The Minx proposed that she'd spend the evening with the miniMinx and I'd go into town, and then she'd come in to collect her mum and pick me up, too. Fab!

It's not terribly good manners to invite yourself anywhere but I called Simon all the same - actually called, not even text or WhatsApp or Messenger - and asked if I could come and visit him in his new flat in Salford, a suggestion he graciously accepted. (This is the view from his living room window.)

We had a splendid evening; some housewarming fizz followed by a bottle of wine, some very good vegetarian food* cooked by Simon, and, of course, loads of chat. And while my visit may have been premature - he's not finished decorating and setting up house yet - the living room is fab, with a gorgeous retro dining table and chairs, a pair of cinema seats and one of those none more seventies egg shaped "pod" chairs. I enjoyed myself so much I was caught slightly off-guard by the time and before I knew it, the Minx was there to pick me up and we ventured into Manchester against the tide of very happy Rod Stewart fans.

*When I re-read this post before publishing it, I went to remove the word vegetarian; it was a great meal regardless of the fact it didn't have meat in it. But I was vegetarian for nearly twenty years and I think there is an art to making really tasty veggie food, one that I never really mastered, so I'm leaving the adjective in.

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