
By DancingAly


Heavily processed, as I'm sure you can tell ;-) I haven't blipped since Monday, as there's been nothing really to photograph, and it's been dull, damp and grey for the majority of the week. It was sunny today, after a days rain yesterday, and I grabbed this after we got back from walking Little B. He also had a bath, with his new lavender soap, followed by a blow dry and puppy spray.... all of which he hates :-) 

It's been a busy week. The play was like groundhog's day. Every day. It was fine, except for the major technical musical difficulties on Thurs and Fri. We are in dire straits as far as the "budget" goes, and despite reminding that the sound system was broken, nothing was done. A parent kindly lent us some equipment, which worked really well at first, then cut out abruptly just after the third performance began...leaving myself and a colleague to jam two different wires in and hold them there just to get it to play. A tangled mass of cables and a hand that had cramp by the end of the performance....

The last one we did to the local Silver Circle. They thought it was lovely, and it was the least stressful for us. 

I had my first, and only at the moment, viewing yesterday. Apparently they've already had an offer accepted on another house, but still wanted to see mine as it means there's no work to do. My agent said we'd catch up on Monday, but I'm not optimistic. There's another couple interested but they need to check their finances. So we shall see. It's December, so it's a bit quiet as you'd expect. I keep waiting for the phone to ring and for the other agent to tell me that someone else has put an offer on on the one I already have. It makes me feel really stressed, but I guess what will be will be. I suppose that it will just be hard to convince myself of that if it doesn't happen. I wish I'd sold back in September when I first had the idea, but as my agent said, you can't beat yourself up over that. 

So that's where we're at. A friend at work and I had a long chat about what's happened in the past, and it got me thinking about it all over again. 

And wishing I could change it. 

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