Down to the woods today.

Didn't really do much today except tidy up ready to put the Christmas tree up. It was last year's which has been in the garden. I had gone to great trouble and hosed off the accumulated summer of bird poo, and trimmed off the dead bits. Last year it was the smallest tree in the world, barely worthy of the title of tree in fact. Now it has grown massively and doubled in size and must be at least, ooooh a foot tall. I spent ages wrapping the pot up and finding something for it to stand on . We put the smallest strand of lights on which it is possible to buy and stood back and it looked.....terrible. I just know my sons would have guffawed and the word puny would have been bandied about. I couldn't face up to the derision and opprobrium , so we took it down again, chucked it on the burgeoning pile of bonfire stuff and are going out with an axe first thing in the morning for a better one.
Oh yes the photo. It's a bit of dead spiky thistly stuff I found down by the river, extra is the sunset .

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