Welcome Gordon the Golf

After an emotional week, we have now got a new car which my husband has named Gordon the Golf.  In order to understand how Gordon came to us I need to go back a bit to our last car Mickey the Micra.

We had been without a car for several years and I had developed a fear of driving after being involved in two accidents in a short space of time shortly before moving to a country where they drove on the opposite side of the road.  I had learned to drive a manual, but had not had a car to practice on regularly, so when my husband mentioned getting a car again I had a panic attack.  Eventually I came round to the idea, but insisted on an automatic.  We started saving up and had a long term plan of getting a car.  About 6 months before the date we had set for buying a car came around my husband's cousin phoned up saying he knew someone who was selling a 10 year old Nisson Micra with 12,000 miles if we were interested.  Luckily we had the exact amount they were asking saved up and although it was a manual I had learned to drive on a micra so felt comfortable with it.  It took a while but I slow got more and more comfortable with driving a manual car and driving in general.  One day about a year ago I realized I was no longer afraid.

Unfortunately last week Mickey the Micra had a little accident (luckily no one was hurt), and it has been a roller coaster of emotions waiting to find out what would happen to her.  I know it is silly to have an emotional attachment to a car, but she came to us at the right time and helped me get over my fear.  

Out of the blue as we contemplated the fate of Mickey we found out about another car through the same relatives that had helped us find Mickey and they had not even heard about the accident.  Like Mickey Gordon was an older car that has done very few miles, but he is the automatic that I so wanted before we got Mickey.  Hopefully it won't be the end of the road for Mickey we just have to wait and see, in the meantime we are glad to welcome Gordon the golf.

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