Sugar Daddy

OilMan never ceases to amaze me. While we were in Best Buy yesterday (a place I would probably never venture into by myself) OilMan was negotiating the details of ordering a Christmas gift, so I wandered off to the camera department. There were lots of cameras to look at, but in my usual non-mechanical fashion, I could not figure out how to lift one from the display shelf in order to look through it. If it had been an hour later, the place would have been a madhouse and there wouldn't have been a salesperson to to be found, but we were early and the man who asked if he could help  was, according to his card, an 'expert specialist". He asked me what I was interested in and before I could say "oh nothing, really", we were discussing a small mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses.

I have been trying to decide for some time if I want to trade the limited options of a fixed lens camera for the complications involved in changing lenses.  I was in the midst of a discussion with the Expert Specialist about y=taking pictures at Spring Lake when OilMan showed up, listened for a few minutes and  announced that he was going to buy me the camera....

I've spent the morning playing with my new present. The weather is very dreary and cold with more rain on the way, so I think I will spend the rest of the day reading the owner's manual.Today's picture of OilMan is the first one I took with my new camera. I think he's looking very pleased with himself, or perhaps he realizes how pleased I am. The extra is of the lingering fall colors hanging on for dear life by the parking lot at Spring Lake.

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