Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Evening Sail

What's that? My last blip was over 3 weeks ago?

Well, while I wasn't uploading pictures, I was still taking them, rest assured.

My girl's boss asked around if anyone wanted to join him on an evening sail along Lake Michigan's harbor. We took him up on the offer, and had a fantastic time.

Learning to sail is kinda like learning to ride a motorcycle - one of those things I'd love to learn someday. We joke together that when we retire we'll learn to sail, but I'm hoping we learn sooner than that. In the meantime, it was her first time on a sailboat, and she enjoyed it. It's great to experience "firsts" in life. I even got a chance to "pilot" the craft. Well, not so much pilot, but make sure that it stayed pointed into the wind while the 1 person who knew what they were doing took down the sails at the end of the evening.

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