Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Back to School with a Bounce

... or not! Went to get Josh up for the first day back at school and almost couldn't find him - head at the wrong end of the bed, under the covers. A little reluctant to get up but once out of bed he got himself ready and left with two friends - it was quite scary just how grown up they looked! Ky on the other hand had a wee cry last night and didn't want to go back, this really wasn't like her as since she first started school she has been so enthusiastic and conscientious. She said she didn't like her maths teacher, she shouts when someone doesn't understand. I promised her we would go over her maths every evening and ensure she was comfortable with it and she seemed to go of to sleep ok. Just made me feel even worse when we ended up shouting at each other as she left for school - skirt too short, inappropriate bag, she really should take a waterproof, huge scowl at the flowery brolly I thrust at her. I always felt it was inappropriate for her to take her phone to school but know that she does - felt so glad she does and so much better when, shortly after she left, I sent her a text and got an I love you straight back.
Home from school and Josh seemed to have had a good day, he was in a very good mood, but typical boy not much to say. Ky came home in a great mood and even conceded that she was glad to have taken the brolly as the heaven opened as she left school. This evening as I let her describe her day she said she was really pleased to be back and loves school! Up and down, up and down - life with a thirteen year old but she is my twinkling star and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Oh - Josh has been watching too much Smallville, he now is Superman and in order to protect his identity he had to pretend to struggle while carrying shopping bags to the car at Tesco while in reality he could have carried them on his pinkie!

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