It was Sophie Day

I was up early this morning as I was taking Daughter Number 2 to her appointment at the Cancer Clinic. It was still dark so I turned the tree lights while I made a cup of tea but couldn't resist messing about with the camera at the same time.

Poor Sophie Poke was very nervous while she had a blood test and waited to see the Consultant. It was quite a big deal because that appointment could have gone 1 of 2 ways. Either devastating news for a 23 year old, or news that would make her Christmas the best one ever.

After a thorough examination and full history taken, the news was that she would have the best Christmas ever. It looks like her lymph glands that are swollen are due to a reactive process, probably from something she picked up while she was travelling and they can be easily felt because she is so skinny. Oh the relief. I can tell you. She will have another Ultra Sound just for reassurance but the Consultant was almost 100% sure it was nothing to worry about but said it was the right thing to do to refer her to the Cancer Clinic to speed up the referral.

And relax.


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