Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Our village is brilliant for outside lights and decorations this year. So many houses have got something up. This house is just up from school and they always inflate the reindeer for school kick out time (it's not inflated all the way through the day). The kids love it.

Today had to be timed to perfection so i could make it to Toby's nativity. For once everything went smoothly - although I did pick up a stray dog in one of our customers gardens. I knocked next door at Sally's to see if they knew whose it was and amazingly she said she would take it in and ring the number on the collar. I could have hugged her as if I'd had to sort that out there is no way I'd have made it to school. We used to walk Sally's dogs before she retired.

The school play was lovely. Toby remembered all his lines as 'smug angel' and seemed to really enjoy singing.

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