Mowzal... how you pronounce Mousehole.

A chilled morning and early lunch before we went for a drive down to Mousehole, near Penzance. A small, harboured fishing village, Mousehole is known for its Christmas lights around the harbour and many tourists go to visit but they are not turned on until next weekend. Although on the 19th December the lights are off in remembrance of the 8 members of the lifeboat crew who lost their lives in 1981 on an attempted rescue.

We were hoping to visit some of the gift/craft shops in the village but again these were closed and will probably open next weekend too. After a walk around we went onto Penzance for a coffee and walk around - a lovely little high street but with rubbish shops, they could make so much more of it. We drove home via a little village called Angarrack which also has some wonderful displays of Christmas lights, we didn't stop as mum & dad were walked out.

This cut out sign was near the car park and I was quite impressed how straight(ish) the horizon was through it, I haven't altered it. Couple of extras ;-)

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