Lazy Sun ... Day

Entertained myself with genealogy today.  That sounds pretty laid-back.

And then hubby decides to do some cleaning because the real estate agent who'll facilitate the sale of our house is coming tomorrow.  I hoot up to the attic to plough through the piles there, hubby decides to attack the bedroom and study windows.  We were busy for about an hour and a half, and then it was back to our hobbies ... hahaha!  Sunday feeling!

Caught this sunset at the upteenth minute at the 'usual spot'.  I am really glad I found this patch of bus-stop type space 'out in the country' about 4 km. away.  It's the perfect spot to shoot sunsets without having to head out to sea.

Managed to phone stepbro this morning.  I think he had company, and I've been away too long to guess who, and found myself not minding that I was so out of touch.  Asked him what was going on, and he started to say something, then changed his tune to 'l'll call you back.  I've got your number now, right?'  So I said okay, put down the phone, and thought, well, yup, that's the end of that.  I knew he was never going to phone back and sure enough there was no call from MNL.  By mid-afternoon, I felt myself back on Square Nada and just picked up with the rest of my life as it was before I thought we had reconnected.  Of course, I was and still am disappointed, but I've learned that there are some things in life not worth hanging around for, especially 'them'.

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