
By TheBigCheese1

Another life hurdle over

I can't believe how fast time goes on. This was The Dopski's very last nativity performance! Next year she will be in the junior classrooms so will be taking part in the summer production instead - gulp.

Her Mamma and Grandad came to watch tonight. It was a big treck out for them in the rain and the dark, but The Dopski was so excited to have her family in the audience. Whilst I am always there, I am also always still working, so don't count :(

Interesting day too. A young lad (being a young lad) decided to instigate a competition to see how long he and his friends could hold their breath for. Do you officially win if you get to the point of passing out and cutting open your chin on a table?!

Fun times, of which legends are made :)

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