Same sofa, different picture...

Today started shockingly early as I had to get Ally to the dentist to have his tooth fixed by 9.30am! This was done most successfully, we even had time to walk down through the park. Unfortunately, the powers that be have decided that the middle of the school holidays is the perfect time to dig up the piss poor play equipment and start the big new refurbishment...

Ally's tooth was fixed beautifully - Ally was an absolute star and tolerated everything the dentist did. We did a few chores, had a quick pick-me-up in M&S then caught the bus home. £4.50! Cheaper to get a taxi...

Di and her 4 arrived soon after and we have spent a largely pleasant day at home with the kids playing nicely. I say largely, the low point came when Red pooed yet again on the playroom floor then smeared it all over the Happyland mat with a variety of Happyland vehicles and figures. They don't advertise THAT imaginative play at the ELC...

So back to the sofa, roughly the same time of day as yesterday but a little less peaceful. When I find the iPad, I may bore you by adding links to previous Tut/Evans team photos...

And one day I may stop my overuse of ... ...

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