Cloudy sky

Tuesday 13th Dec 2016 (1571)

School nativity in church this morning, put on by year 2 children. They are only about 6yrs old but performed as though they were 16. They were amazing! 

After lunch I had the nursery school children in church for a wedding. We had the full cast  - bride and groom, bride's father, best man, bridesmaids, ushers, witnesses and bellringers. I gave them a full ceremony. It's the first time I've "married" 3 year olds! So sweet, especially when the bride and groom each managed to say "I promise to look after X"

When I got back from an evening meeting the moon provided a blip opportunity. This time I managed a one exposure shot for the moon and clouds. This is SOOC. I've realised you need some cloud cover over the moon itself to achieve this. I have a few dramatic shots as the clouds were changing rapidly. 

Full moon 100%
365,533 km away
15 days old

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