Snow Shadow

I made my cookie dough this morning and it has to be refrigerated for at least an hour to harden it up & make it easier to roll out, so while it was chilling, I ran the garbage out, saw the shadow on the snow, got the camera & took this. It looks like the shadow of a dainty, dangling flower, don't you think? (Although in reality it's the shadow of one of my bird feeders with snow coating the top!) The rest of the day I was rolling, cutting out, baking, and decorating cookies! Not counting the making of the dough, it took me 8 hours! (& my back's killing me from all the standing!) I don't know how my grandma did it, as she not only made these cut-out cookies every year for Christmas, but also Oatmeal Raisin cookies, pecan fingers, brownies, thumbprint cookies, chocolate chip cookies, Hershey's kisses cookies, and kuchen! She was an excellent cook/baker, adding ingredients "until it looked right"--something I've never mastered. She must have been exhausted from doing it all, but I never once heard her complain! The year she turned 92 she apologized because she'd "only" made the brownies and the cut-out cookies that year.
Hats off to you Grandma!!!  :))

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