
By Anonymoose

All very well - but he'll never mow the lawn...

Out getting the Chrimbo shoppe...

Spotted this nice lady wrestling a porcelain dude across the shop floor. Was going to blip her unawares (all akimbo she was) - but then remembered the interesting debate in the forums about asking permission. So i duly asked - and was provided with a fairly willing model for this shot.

Of course I explained that it was for a photo site called Blipfoto...

"Blip - what?"
"Blipfoto - with an "f""... ".com"
..."Oh I'd look that up but I'll probably forget the name..."

Just made me think. Has anyone ever considered providing blipfoto cards for such a situation...?


Carried on with the shop and then drove some distance to another shop. Then Mandy asked...

"did you get the M&S bag out the trolley at the Gyle?"
Gulp. "Erm- no... I thought you did... "

Much teeth gnashing as Mandy phones the security geezers at the Gyle and finds that they did rescue the bag of goodies (hooray) and had it sitting safely in their booth. But they then proceeded to describe the contents - including all the surprise pressies which I had picked up secretly (boo) ... Oh well. Top top geezers all the same. The Anonyhoose almost went without this year...

(**To anyone that's remotely interested... Morrisons at the Gyle got the food order quickly followed by a booze cruise along the union canal to Chesser Chavda.)

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