Tiny Stamp

This is one of the winter stamps this year.  It's an extra to the set of 20 I posted about a week ago.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  I always do my best not to overdo.  I've noticed that the older I get, the more easily distracted, and I try to balance that by finishing one important piece of work so that I leave the office feeling positive.  Often, there are guilt feelings about my lack of concentration.  Btw, I don't think I'm the only one who has this.  Many of my colleagues hardly smile when they're (pre-)occupied and in the beginning I thought they were just being serious.  Now I know that, often, people just want to get out of the office box.  I do not know, however, if they are aware of it.  One of my tactics is to always cover my tracks -- never miss a class, always come prepared, always anticipate the feeling of wanting to get away so work ahead so that I CAN get away at the right moment, but also skip a meeting if I know it'll be unproductive and/or if I know I won't be missed.  Stress makes me sleepy, breathless, and tired, and I don't want the managers to think I can't cope with it, so I do, but in a way that doesn't require their support.  There are simply some things that I'd rather keep private.  If I really want to give in, I know I will end up quitting my job and that is not an option right now.  That said, I don't think I'll make it to age 65, or even 67, which is the official retirement age now.  This will creep up eventually to age 68, I believe.  I know I won't wait for that!

Not so sunny today but it remained dry, so not bad.

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