Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

A day late

I don't know what day it is at the moment.

This means I'm a day late listening to Stanley Baxter Playhouse which was broadcast yesterday. The episode was recorded on his 90th birthday.

Another 90 Year old had a good day as well. Dad went to M&S and with help managed to buy a few presents and some special Christmas food and drink. He really enjoyed his first visit to a shop in 2016 then of course he was very tired afterwards.

In other news:

I got my haircut :-)

I love Talking Pictures TV ( SKY ch343 for us and I understand on Freeview in most parts of the country just NOT in our valley)
They have the Bfi restored version of the Alastair Sim version of Scooge on Christmas Day :-)

Just realised i not posted my Sunshine Santa blip yesterday - will catch up asap

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