That Fence Again

The last day, and suitably relaxing. A bit of a walk out and about and some website shenanigans (successfully!), a bit of blogging and not too much engagement with the great timewaster that is commenting on news stories online. Spare me from that. And after the final meal with local produce (pasta and chorizo from the coop) we packed our bags and sat down to watch Ted. By jeesus, that's one funny film. Or maybe I'm just a juvenile.
Time to be a grown up - the carpet in the sitting room has loads of shards of wood from a week of log fires. Although the place will be cleaned after our departure I can't help but get the hoover out and do it. What's that about?
Anyway, on the walk the sun across the sea was spellbinding and continually shifting, so it was. So here’s my last photo to look back on an excellent week. Full colour will be restored tomorrow.

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