Great Expectations

Angie had been very busy yesterday rushing around vacuuming anything that didn't jump out of her way and then later in the afternoon baking.

So today I knew I was in for a treat. Took the dogs for the morning walk and then at midday took a shower! The full Frangipani & Avocado Oil shower gel bit. Then dressed up in my best rags and came downstairs to await the events. To my horror, Angie was sitting outside in the sunshine in her horse mucking out gear, wellington boots and playing with Eddie while telephoning. This went on for hours and my hopes dwindled.

When she eventually came in I asked "And?". I didn't like the answer. No birthday celebrations today but on Friday. I did then try to rescue matters by saying we could go out for dinner but Angie said she wanted to have a few relaxing hours in the sauna in Ottobeuren and would bring back a Pizza!

(PS after the first comment came in and reflects my poor writing style - Angie's birthday, not mine!)

What a disappointment - no cake and coffee, no big evening spread, no beer and wine and jolly talk with friends. This is traditionally what happens in these parts. Friends and relations turn up unannounced during the course of the afternoon and leave sometime at night. However, close to Christmas and being a very mid week working day, it's very difficult for many to take the time. So Angie had been active in trying to put off people until the weekend. Will probably even then be a small do with a few of the family and close friends.

So Angie disappeared and I did the few evening animal chores.

Not having taken any daytime photos in expectation of getting a few party shots, I had to find an emergency Blip: the rising moon at 7:00pm taken from the house looking down the drive was very impressive - a big orange ball which within a few minutes turned to silver.

Pizza was good and Angie relaxed after her sauna. However not much of a birthday celebration.

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