Advent Calendar 2016 Blip #15

IKEA Santa Lucia Buffet.
An infuriating evening. For the last three years, Sarah and I have popped along for the buffet and have picked up our Christmas tree there too. During the buffet, IKEA have always arranged for an ABBA tribute band to play, which was great fun and most enjoyable (Given that I'm not a big fan of tribute acts, that's quite a compliment )

This year, however, we arrived to discover that they'd sold out of Christmas trees and the ABBA act had been replaced by a choir singing carols in what might have been Swedish (none of them looked Swedish so goodness knows what they were singing - the only "carol" I recognised was "Santa Lucia" which I'm pretty sure isn't Swedish).

Other than that, Sarah and I had a nice time with Sue and Kevin and enjoyed our buffet meal. Today's blip is of one of the IKEA girls dressed up in traditional Swedish Santa Lucia Day garb.

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