In The Christmas Spirit

Party day at school and one little girl in particular was truly in the Christmas spirit. Great fun, great food, great company .... a wonderful end to the first term.

A fun evening, too, as I enjoyed watching Kazuko and Valerie watching Sense and Sensibility. Valerie was totally enthralled by the film, and fell head over heels in love with Alan Rickman/Colonel Brandon. Valerie's reaction to Hugh Grant/Edward Ferris was exactly the same as Kazuko's when she watched the film for the first time, practically tearing out her hair and shouting, "Uurgh! Come on! Be a man!" Mixed feelings that Valerie knew immediately that Willoughby was a rat. Not personal experience, I hope. No, surely she just recognises his type from Prince Hans in Frozen. Heartened by the fact that Valerie, now so besotted by Colonel Brandon/Alan Rickman, is unlikely to have her heart broken by some smooth talking Lothario. Very much the sense of Sense and Sensibility.

Now that Valerie is such a fan of Alan Rickman, I simply must introduce her to the wonderful Truly, Madly, Deeply, the movie that played a large part in bringing Kazuko and I together. Now thereby hangs a tale.

For Valerie

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