
By CharlotteJ

Burj Khalifa

I have a huge fear of heights and today I overcame them, sort of!


We booked a trip to the 148 floor of the Burj Khalifa and what an experience it was (I was so nervous).  We were taken up in a group of about 20 people to the highest observation area (148th floor - eye watering!) and were greeted with cool drinks and some local nibbles (we paid extra to have a slightly different experience, to be calm, away from crowds and to try and help me overcome my fear but making it a little special).  It was a bit of a hazy morning but still fantastic to see Dubai from a very different advantage point.  There is an outside area on the 148 floor and I did venture out but unfortunately that did make me feel quite uncomfortable, so I soon went back into the safety of a room!  We then dropped down to 125 and 124 floors but those areas were absolutely packed with tourists so we decided to make our way down to solid ground.  I am so pleased I went up and I must say our guide was so very kind and quickly noticed that I was nervous and was very reassuring and took time to explain things.  She even told me how Jamie Murray (Andy Murrays brother) decided when he visited to stay on the ground level and not make the trip.


After our tour we had a late breakfast, a little wonder and then as we were both so tired from another early start we hit the pool and spent the afternoon reading and relaxing and now after a quick half an hour in the gym we are off to get ready for dinner.

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